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Urban Studies Summer School – Anvers 16-20 juin 2014

Le centre d’histoire urbaine d’Anvers organise un “CityLab”, école d’été thématique sur le thème: Suburbanism

Organised by: Stijn Oosterlynck (OASeS) & Ilja Van Damme (CSG)

Date: 16-20 June 2014

Pour plus d’info:

Recent years have seen a revival of interest in the study of suburbs, suburbanization and suburbanism. Central to this revival is a concern with the empirical diversity of suburbs and processes of suburbanization as well as with the growing internal and spatial differentiation of suburbs due to the impoverishment, increased ethnic diversity, densification and sprawl of economic activities in an increasing number of suburbs. These concerns undermine established understandings of suburbanism and turn the study of suburbs into a promising field for conceptual renewal and interdisciplinary reflection.

The second edition of CityLAB, organized by the Institute for Urban Studies will explore both the empirical diversity of suburbs and their increasing internal differentiation from an interdisciplinary perspective. It will examine the complexity of suburban phenomena from insights deriving from sociology, history, economic geography, political sciences, architecture and urban planning. Its target group is PhD and early stage post-doctoral researchers who want to develop such multi-perspectival understanding of suburbs, suburbanization and suburbanism and become more sensitive to the diversity of actually existing suburbs. The CityLAB Summer School is explicitly international and interdisciplinary in orientation and will take full advantage of its location in one of the most (sub)urbanized regions in Western Europe, Belgium. The programme combines international and local speakers, and two field trips to explore the suburban diversity of the biggest city of Flanders, the sprawling port town Antwerp. Roger Keil (Faculty of Environmental Sciences, York University) and Mark Clapson (Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Westminster) will deliver keynote lectures, and engage in discussion with the participants on the basis of their own research.

16/06 – Monday:  Exploring suburbanism in theory and practice

  • 9h – 12h: Setting the scene: disciplinary perspectives on suburbanisms
  • 13h – 19h: Field trip 1: Antwerp suburbs by bus
  • 19h: Social activity: Dinner

17/06 – Tuesday: Historicizing suburbanism

  • 9h – 12h: Mark Clapson (Department of Social and Historical Studies, University of Westminster, London, UK) on the Anglo-American and European model of the suburb, their uses and limitations
  • 13h30 – 16h30: André Loeckx (Department of Architecture, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium): ‘The genesis of the grid city’
  • 19h: Social activity: screening of ‘Conversations in Milton Keynes’, with introduction by Ingo Baltes, director of the documentary and guided tour to architectural exhibition ‘Re-Work Brussels. Space for Industry, Logistics and Retail in the City’ at VAi.

18/06 – Wednesday: Global suburbanisms

  • 9h – 12h: Roger Keil (Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, Canada) on global suburbanisms
  • 13h30 – 16h30: Bruno Meeus and Pascal De Decker (Faculty of Architecture, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium): ‘The ghost of suburbia: the resilience of the suburban housing ideal’

19/06 – Thursday: Measuring suburbs and economic dispersal

  • 9h – 13h: Ann Verhetsel , Thomas Vanoutrieve and Isabelle Thomas (Department of Transport and Spatial Economics, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium and Department of Geography, UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)
  • 14h – 19h Field trip 2: Antwerp suburbs by tram

20/06 – Friday: Governing the suburbs

  • 10h – 13h: Filip De Rynck (Department of Administration and Management, University of Ghent, Belgium): ‘City-regional governance’
  • 14h – 16h: Eric Corijn (Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium): ‘Is the suburb a city?’
  • 15h30 – 16h: Closing words

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Stéphane Frioux (2 avril 2014). Urban Studies Summer School – Anvers 16-20 juin 2014. Histoire Urbaine. Consulté le 6 février 2025 à l’adresse

Stéphane Frioux

Maître de conférences en histoire contemporaine, université Lyon 2 Chercheur au LARHRA, UMR CNRS 5190 Président du RUCHE (2017-2019 et 2019-2021)

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