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Appel à contribution : Journal of City, Culture and Architecture

Call for Papers

Journal of City, Culture and Architecture  


Le Journal of City, Culture and Architecture concentrates on publishing the highest quality original research of scholars in a broad range of disciplines, including architecture, art, cultural studies, anthropology, urban studies, geography, and demography, and their relations with history, psychology, sociology, and statistics.

The Journal seeks to explore the ways of improving comprehensive examination of various interdisciplinary approaches to studying urban culture, city identity, metropolitan life and architecture various forms of art by focusing the roles of human communication in space and symbolic borders between different communicative practices and the cultural aspects of urbanization.

The primary goal is to promote pioneering research on cultural diversity and richness of traditional and local societies, urban structuralism to the semiotic perspectives of poststructuralism, cultural institutions and heritage and the spiritual-material products and the architectural structures throughout the life time of mankind, and to make a strong link between past and future. The cultural manufacturing types and the art of living that are formed throughout centuries and experiences, when considered its contribution both to multi-cultural social life and keeping cultural memory alive, will be remembered as the most striking evidence for cultural and social originality of a society which tell its own aesthetic idea by its produced arts. Research Areas Include:

– City and City’s Identity
– Urban Culture and experience of modernity
– Cultural values, City and Conservation
– Urbanization and Health
– Regeneration of City and Challenges
– Architectural features of urban culture,
– The environment and sustainability in the city life,
– The impact of design and culture on cities and architecture.
– The mapping and the imagination on cities
– Sustainable Architecture Strategy, Optimization, Modelling
– City Policy, Planning and Design,
– Land use and Land cover on cities

The quick (30 days) and double blind review process, rich editorial board, zero tolerance for plagiarism and high respect for publication ethics, a strong commitment for scheduled publication are the key features of the Institute’s journals. The journal accepts online submissions only.

Submission and Publication Information:

Submission deadline: January 5th,  2015
First round decisions announced: March 20th, 2015
Authors submit revised manuscripts: May 28, 2015
Final manuscript submissions to publisher:  July, 2015
Number of papers: 5 to 7 papers

For more information, visit the official website of the journal

If you would like to discuss your paper prior to submission, or seek advice on the submission process please contact the Journal of City, Culture and Architecture, Editorial Office, at the following email address:

Eren Erdener, Ph.D.
University of Oklahoma
College of Architecture

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Stéphane Frioux (22 octobre 2014). Appel à contribution : Journal of City, Culture and Architecture. Histoire Urbaine. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

Stéphane Frioux

Maître de conférences en histoire contemporaine, université Lyon 2 Chercheur au LARHRA, UMR CNRS 5190 Président du RUCHE (2017-2019 et 2019-2021)

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