Programme de colloque : “Cities of a New Type. Industrial Cities in People’s Democracies after 1945” (Dunaújváros, Hongrie, 21-22 mai 2015),
International conference
Cities of a New Type.
Industrial Cities in People’s Democracies after 1945.
Place: Dunaújvárosi Főiskola (college of Dunaujvaros)
Táncsics Mihály u. 1/A, Dunaújváros
Thursday 21st May
9.00: welcome address by Mihály Molnár (Pepper Art Projects) and Gábor Cserna (mayor of Dunaújváros)
9.15-10.00: Jérôme Bazin (Université de Paris-Est, Créteil), Introduction.
10.00-12.20: Panel I – Soviet Know-How.
Panel chair: György Szücs (Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest).
10.00-10.20: Thomas Flierl (Berlin), The Soviet Discourses on Socialist Cities (socgorods) in the 1930s as a Precondition of Socialist Industrialization and Urban Planning in Eastern European Countries after 1945.
10.20-10.40: Fabien Bellat (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture, Versailles), Stalinist New Cities: a Misleading Model?
10.40-11.00: Olga Kazakova (Российская академия архитектуры и строительных наук, Moscow), Zelenograd, the Soviet Silicon Valley.
11.00-11.20: Ievgeniia Gubkina (Центр міської історії Центрально-Східної Європи, Lviv), On the Edge of Imagining: Planning and Building the Last New Soviet City, Slavutych.
11.20-11.40: Dagmara Jajeśniak-Quast (Viadrina Universität, Frankfurt/Oder), Comments.
11.40-12.20: Discussion.
12.20-14.00: Lunch
14.00-16.00: Panel II – What Should a Socialist City Look Like? Architecture and Urban Planning.
Panel chair: Katalin Aknai (Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Budapest).
14.00-14.20: Lucia Almášiová and Viera Dlháňová (Slovenská národná galéria, Bratislava), Nová Dubnica (Slovakia) – the First Ideal Socialist City.
14.20-14.40: Kimberly E. Zarecor (Iowa State University, Ames), Alternatives to the Tabula Rasa: Postwar Expansion in Czechoslovakia’s Already Existing Industrial Cities.
14.40-15.00: Árpád Végh (Moholy-Nagy Művėszeti Egyetem, Budapest), Architecture of Dunaújváros.
15.00-15.20: Andreas Ludwig (Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam), Comments.
15.20-16.00: Discussion.
16.00-18.00: Tour in Dunaújváros.
18.00-20.30: Dinner.
21.00: Projection of the movie Hattyúdal (Swan Song) by Márton Keleti (1963).
Place: Bartók Béla Művelődési Központ.
Friday 22nd May
9.30: welcome.
9.40-12.00 Panel III – Shaping the Working Class in the New Socialist Cities.
Panel chair: Katalin Aknai (Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Budapest).
9.40-10.00: Marta Vukoti
Lazar (University of Pristina/Kosovska Mitrovica) and Djurdjija Borovnjak (Historical Archives of Belgrade), Železnik – First Socialist City in Serbia.
10.00-10.20: Ana Kladnik (Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam), The Mining Milieu: Solidarity and Sentiments of Community in the New Socialist Cities Havířov (Czechoslovakia) and Velenje (Yugoslavia).
10.20-10.40: Oana Tiganea (Politecnico di Milano) and Liliana Iuga (Central European University, Budapest), Missing from the Map: Socialist Realism Design at Small Scale in a Secret New Town. The Case of Dr. Petru Groza Town (Romania).
10.40-11.00: Nadège Ragaru (Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris), Transnational Contention and the Fashioning of an Ever New Bulgarian City: Blagoevgrad in the 1950s-1980s.
11.00-11.20: Ulf Brunnbauer (Regensburg Univeristät), Comments.
11.20-12.00: Discussion.
12.00-14.00: Lunch.
14.00-16.00. Panel IV – Representation and Self-Representation of the New Cities.
Panel chair: Gábor Rieder (Budapest).
14.00-14.20: Anja Jackes (Stadtamt Halle, Abteilung Kultur), The Socialist Utopian Town Halle-Neustadt (East Germany) and the Concept of Art and Living.
14.20-14.40: Bernadeta Stano (Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny, Kraków), Visual Artists in Nowa Huta (Poland).
14.40-15.00: Annamaria Nagy (Szent István Király múzeum, Székesfehérvár), Brigade Diaries from Dunaferr (Dunaújváros).
15.00-15.20: Jérôme Bazin, Comments.
15.20-16.00: Discussion.
16.00-17.00: Sándor Horváth (Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Budapest), Concluding Remarks.
Organisation committee: Jérôme Bazin, Dóra Molnár, Mihály Molnár, Gábor Rieder.
Scientific board: Ulf Brunnbauer, Sándor Horváth, Dagmara Jajeśniak-Quast, Katherine Lebow, Andreas Ludwig and György Szücs.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Stéphane Frioux (16 avril 2015). Programme de colloque : “Cities of a New Type. Industrial Cities in People’s Democracies after 1945” (Dunaújváros, Hongrie, 21-22 mai 2015), Histoire Urbaine. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse