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11e conférence internationale d’histoire urbaine : le programme des sessions est en ligne

Prague  29 août – 1er septembre 2012

La liste des sessions est visible sur le site de l’EAUH 2012 :

Les propositions de communication peuvent être déposées du 10 juin au 1er octobre 2011

Liste des sessions :


RT1        Medieval & Early Modern Urban Societies
RT2        Modern Urban Societies
RT3 Comparative, Transnational and Globalised Perspectives on Urban History
RT4 Student Perspectives on Urban History
RT5 Ways of Communicating Urban History


M1 New Worlds, New Cities
M2 The lure of the city 1400-1900
M3 Shrinking cities
M4 Cities and rivers – long term development of socio-natural sites
M5 Historicising the politics of transport and cities
M6 Multiple identities in an urban context: ‘cosmopolitanism’ versus local belonging in a long term perspective
M7 Growing Old in Urban Society: yesterday, today and tomorrow
M8 Female agency and civil society in late medieval, early modern and nineteenth-century cities
M9 The Evolution of Medical Provision in European Cities, from the Middle Ages to the Early Nineteenth Century
M10 Virtual Historic Cities: a laboratory in Urban History
M11 Approche comparée des petites villes européennes au bas Moyen Âge: bilan historiographique et perspectives de recherche
M12 La cour et les villes dans l’Europe des XIVe-XVIe siècles
M13 Violence and the city: Law, Territory and Civic Identity in Ancient and Medieval Times
M14 Popular politics in the late medieval and early modern town (1200-1800)
M15 Portraits of the City: Rethinking Methodological Paradigms of Representations of the City
M16 ‘Economies of quality’ and the ‘material renaissance’. Comparative perspectives on material culture changes in late medieval and sixteenth-century Europe.
M17 Do municipal institutions matter in the early modern period (1500-1800)?
M18 Civic identity in late medieval and early modern European towns
M19 Premodern City as Community: Cohesive Forces and Integrative Factors in European Cities to 1800
M20 The urban parish (late Middle Ages and Early Modern period)
M21 Crise urbaine, crise sociale, crise des polices? (Europe, vers 1650-vers 1914)
M22 Soldiers, traders and engineers. Military and urban society in Europe (1650-1850)
M23 Routes of commerce and foreign merchants settlements in Mediterranean ports and central European cities: 14th-19th centuries
M24 Gender and Luxury in the Urban Economy (1700-1914): a European perspective
M25 Shopping in the city: comparative perspectives on the transformation of urban consumer space and practice in Western Europe and beyond, c. 1700-1900
M26 The culture of associations: transnational perspectives, 1600-2010
M27 Triumphal Arches and Urban entries : Mutations of an Urban Ritual in Christian Europe (16th-20th Centuries)
M28 Mashup Metropolis: The British Imperial City in Global Context
M29 The Empire, the Province and the Reshaping of Cities in the Long Nineteenth Century
M30 Post-Imperial Urban Ghost Frontiers in Cities of Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe: Traces, Resilience, Remembrance and Cancellation
M31 Border cities: urban spaces of production and exchange, between separateness and dialogue
M32 What’s in a name? How we label peripheral places.
M33 Experts, Municipal Leaders and Power in the City, 1750-1950
M34 A Kaleidoscope of Modernity: The Circulation of Knowledge in Early Twentieth–Century Urbanism
M35 Science in the City
M36 Jews and Jewish Districts in European Cities, 18th to 21th Centuries
M37 Cultural transmission and the transformation of urban leisure in Europe and its colonies, c. 1700-1939
M38 Cultural Workers in the Urban Economy 1850-1939
M39 Urban History Politics: Re-negotiating Local Pasts in the Face of 20th Century Turning Points
M40 Towns are made of memory places – towns as memory places of urban life in the 19th and 20th century
M41 Historical character of Town: From Representation to Reuse
M42 A historical view on the development of the sustainable city
M43 ‘Rights and Responsibilities’: Citizenship in Twentieth-Century Cities
M44 Urban action groups in the 20th century
M45 Home and Social Identity in Twentieth-Century European Cities
M46 Postwar Planning in Transnational Perspective
M47 Cities and the Cold War
M48 Violence in Urban Spaces since the Second Half of the Twentieth Century: Comparative, Transnational and Entangled Perspectives


S1 Gardens and agriculture in cities
S2 Institutional landowners, rental clusters urban plans and urban society
S3 Investir le produit de l’impôt urbain: officiers municipaux, élites urbaines, financiers (Moyen âge-XVIe siècle)
S4 Horizons barrés. La vie urbaine en mode obsidional
S5 Les villes et les ordres militaires
S6 Early Modern City Branding: City Guides in Italy and the Low Countries (1500-1700)
S7 Depiction and Construction of the “Other”: Islamic Cities in the Eyes of European Travelers
S8 Urban practise in the age of transition
S9 Old Regime Urban policy in European and American societies
S10 Social legibility in the early modern city
S11 The decline of the ’old burghers’ in the 18–19th century?: recent research in Central Europe
S12 Revolutionary place-making: How do specific urban places become symbols of contestation?
S13 Users and Uses of Green Spaces in Cities, 1800-2000
S14 Urban development of Mediterranean island resort cities in the 19th and 20th centuries
S15 Leisure Practices and Cultural Life in Southern Europe towns (1840-1950)
S16 Great exhibitions and cities on the move: a comparative perspective (1880-1914)
S17 The Grand Hotel and the City Grand Hotels as markers of European urban culture and identity
S18 Panem et circenses: sport venues in modern urban Europe
S19 The city of emotions: Modern cities and people’s responses to urban transformations, xix and xx century
S20 Urban Reform in Germany and the United States: Comparisons and Connections, 1870-1940
S21 New hometowns: linking modernity and tradition in the aftermath of World War I
S22 Performing the Past in Urban Culture, 1900-50
S23 Cities of Memories: Aerial attacks of WWII as localized lieux de memoire
S24 New Towns East, West, and In-Between
S25 The post-war European suburb
S26 Everyday life in the socialist city
S27 Public Goods vs Economic Interests: comparative perspectives on squatting
S28 Transnational networks of urban planning expertise in African cities from a comparative perspective
S29 Querying Urbanity: South Asian Perspective
S30 Coming to terms with the built heritage of the postcolonial city
S31 Urban networks: between individual and collective

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Frédéric Moret (9 juin 2011). 11e conférence internationale d’histoire urbaine : le programme des sessions est en ligne. Histoire Urbaine. Consulté le 20 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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