EAUH Online Symposium Exchanges: European Cities and the Wider Urban World, 6 September 2023
EAUH Online Symposium
Exchanges: European Cities and the Wider Urban World
6 September 2023
Hosted by the Centre for Urban History, University of Antwerp
Convenors: Simon Gunn and Rosemary Wakeman
Participation is free, but please register for this event, via:
10.00-10.15 CET
A warm welcome by the EAUH & CSG – Ilja Van Damme & Greet De Block (Centre for Urban History – Urban Studies Institute, University of Antwerp)
Opening remarks – Simon Gunn (University of Leicester) and Rosemary Wakeman (Fordham University)
10.15-11.oo CET Debating Exchanges 1
Astrid Swenson (University of Bayreuth) – Exchanges, adaptations and contestations in urban conservation across Europe and the Mediterranean
11.00-11.15 CET – Coffee break
11.15-12.15 CET Exchanges Session 1: Regulating Modernities
Katherine Vyhmeister (University of Edinburgh) – From a European notion to a local phenomenon: Tracing the role of police in the production of local public works in late colonial Chile
David Schley (Hong Kong Baptist University/University of East Anglia) – Gendarmes, Bobbies, and Cops: The NYPD Looks to Europe
Nicole Davis (University of Melbourne) – ‘One of the Sights of the Colony’: Australia’s Nineteenth-century Arcades, Modernity, Consumer Culture, and Local/Global Connections’
12.15-1.00 CET – Debating Exchanges 2
Marion Pluskota (Leiden University) – ‘Souvenir d’Amsterdam’: World exhibitions and migration of sex workers in the late 19th century
1.00-1.45 CET Lunch break
1.45-2.00 CET EAUH2024
Andrea Pokludova (University of Ostrava) – Presenting EAUH 2024, Cities at the Boundaries
2.00-2.45 CET – Debating Exchanges 3
Michael Goebel (Free University, Berlin) – The Unmaking of Black Monserrat: Race, European Immigration, and Real Estate in Nineteenth-Century Buenos Aires
2.45-3.45 CET – Exchanges Sessions 2: Urban Ideas
Eliane Schmid (University of Luxembourg) – (Re-)Building Marseille’s Port and Parks: Socio-Spatial Differentiations, Public Policies, and Migration (1945-1973)
Fikriye Karaman (Samsun University, Turkey) – Ottoman Travellers’ Views of Education in European Cities in the Nineteenth Century
Kristian Taketomo (University of Pennsylvania) – Lost in Translation: The City in International Statistics
3.45-4.00 CET Coffee break
4.00-4.45 CET – Conference Keynote Lecture
Peter Stabel (University of Antwerp) – The Blessings and Curses of Comparative History: Writing an Urban History of Medieval Europe and the Islamic World
4.30-4.45 CET Concluding remarks- Simon Gunn and Rosemary Wakeman
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Cédric Feriel (5 septembre 2023). EAUH Online Symposium Exchanges: European Cities and the Wider Urban World, 6 September 2023. Histoire Urbaine. Consulté le 6 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/u4zb